அரசு மருத்துவக் கல்லூரி நாகப்பட்டினம்

Department oF Forensic Medicine

About us
The Department of Forensic medicine is located on the 3rd floor in the Hospital block of the Government Medical College, Nagapattinam.
The division of Forensic Medicine shows the use of Medical information for the organization of Medical lawful information. The division means to show the overall standards, recognizable proof, investigation, treatment and laws identified with toxins to the understudies. The departmental historical center is exceptional with examples and graphs for educating reason.
Through this investigation, understudies are furnished with an outline of the medico lawful parts of wellbeing sciences, segments of toxicology and morals.
Department has 1 Demonstration Rooms with well equipped technology and has modern facilities to take classes with LED projector with screen, and Audio-Visual equipment . It has a Capacity of 60 students at a time.
It has a Spacious Hall with 20 Microscopes and accommodates 75 students at a time.
Mounted specimen- 20
Unmounted specimen- 30
Mortuary Block
3 autopsy tables
Cold room 4 cabinets each containing 6 bodies totally 24 bodies
Office room
Professor and HOD-1
Associate Professors-2
Asst. Professors-1
Tutors/Demonstrators/Senior Residents-2
Non-teaching and clerical staff-2
This Lab is well equipped with modern facilities and accommodates 60 students at a time.
Department library
A library containing 83 books and 5 Journals it has a capacity of 6 members at a time. It is well ventilated.